Jean Marie Leclair Concerti per Violino III

opp. 7 & 10, nr. 4 & 5
Glossa, 2022

Buy: Bider & Tanner
Stream: iTunes Spotify

Leila Schayegh Violin & Direction
La Cetra Barockorchester Basel

With these four concertos Leila Schayegh completes her series of recordings of all violin concertos by Jean-Marie Leclair on three CDs.

Press commentary

Leclair’s violin concertos are among the best-known works of this kind; nevertheless, only a few are really familiar, and that is why you will hear a lot here that you have not yet heard. Those who wish to add a complete recording to their collection need look no further. These three CDs offer the ideal interpretation, in which everything is just right. Leila Schayegh is one of the most accomplished violinists of our time, and her performances of these concertos are technically and musically first class, with the help of an excellent orchestra.

Johan van Veen , Toccata 12 2022

Das inspiriert begleitende Orchester muss noch genannt werden: La Cetra Barockorchester Basel.
In Basel ist die Kaderschmiede der Alten Musik, die Schola cantorum Basiliensis, und darum herum gedeihen die Ensembles und Orchester der historisch informierten Musikszene.

Dagmar Munck for SWR2 in February 2022

La Cetra Barockorchester & Vokalensemble Basel

Leonhardsgraben 34, CH—4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 205 33 55

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